Woodcarvers Ceramic Texturing Sticks

Woodcarvers Ceramic Texturing Sticks

CA $23.95

These 2″ long Woodcarvers Ceramic Texturing Sticks can be cut in half with a cutoff wheel, providing four ends that can be dressed to shape.  Ceramic sticks can also be dressed down to a very fine point ~ much finer than any stone.

CA $23.95
CA $23.95
CA $23.95
CA $23.95

Woodcarvers Ceramic Texturing Sticks

These 2″ long Woodcarvers Ceramic Texturing Sticks can be cut in half with a cutoff wheel, providing four ends that can be dressed to shape.  Ceramic sticks can also be dressed down to a very fine point ~ much finer than any stone.  They are 3/32″ in diameter.

Each end can be shaped (dressed) with our diamond hone (#FOR10333 click to see) in much the same way as conventional texturing stones. Once dressed, ceramic sticks will outlast conventional stones by many times.  Furthermore, once the edge wears down, you simply re-dress the stick, making it a bit shorter.  Used this way, these texturing sticks will give exceptionally long service.  But that’s not all – because they are uniform in diameter, they are vibration free.  And they cut cleaner and smoother than any other texturing tool.

Available in four grits – Light Brown 300 grit, Dark Brown 600 grit, Blue 800 grit are good for general texturing in most woods as well as modest carving (ie defining small feathers on heads, or cleaning up around bills and eyes). Fine (orange) 1200 grit works well for fine texturing on softer woods (basswood to tupelo). All sticks leave an exceptionally smooth finish