Snowmen Are Cool

CA $18.99
Carving Undercover Santas
How To Carve Christmas Projects
Carving Undercover Santas. Carve Santa Claus like you have never seen him (or her) before! A book full of fun carving projects. This book will appeal to carvers of any skill level.
CA $18.99
CA $18.99

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CA $21.75
Carving & Painting Christmas Ornaments
How To Carve Christmas Projects
Popular woodcarving teacher and author Betty Padden shows how to carve memorable ornaments to keep or give to family and friends. Imagine a tree decorated with your own beautifully carved angels, elves, polar bears, poinsettias, and more. Step-by-step projects are divided into three categories-beginning, intermediate, and advanced. A special section on painting covers basic concepts of blending, highlighting and shading, so that even a novice can get great results. 23 patterns
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CA $21.75

CA $16.58
Carving Santa Claus Ornaments
How To Carve Christmas Projects
Learn how to carve and paint a patriotic American Santa Claus. Step by step instructions will guide you through the entire process. You will also get full size patterns for Santas from 9 different countries including Ireland, Scotland, Russia, Mexico, Scandinavia, Germany and the Netherlands. 34pp
CA $16.58
CA $16.58