Complete Razertip BPH Pen Tip Package
CA $103.95
Our BPH Pen and Tip Package:
Heavy Duty BPH Interchangeable Pen; Heavy Duty Cord
and our 10 most popular HD Interchangeable Tips
(1M-Medium Skew, 1S-Small Skew, 2M-Medium Round, 2MC-Medium Round Shader, 5m_Medium Spear,
5MP-Medium Spear Shader, 14M-Medium Knife, 30M-Medium Spoon, and 99.015/99.023-1.5mm and 2.3mm Ball Stylus’
Complete Razertip BPH Pen Tip Package. We have put a package together that consists of 10 of the most popular burning tips. AND, we have put the package at a very attractive price.
Our Complete Razertip BPH Pen and Tip Package includes:
Heavy Duty BPH Interchangeable Pen; Heavy Duty Cord, and our 10 most popular HD Interchangeable Tips.
The tips included are:
1M-Medium Skew, 1S-Small Skew, 2M-Medium Round, 2MC-Medium Round Shader, 5m_Medium Spear,
5MP-Medium Spear Shader, 14M-Medium Knife, 30M-Medium Spoon, and 99.015/99.023- 1.5mm and 2.3mm Ball Stylus’
The stainless-steel binding-post screws, hold your tip wire securely against a double slotted stainless steel nut. It is easily tightened with a small slot screwdriver. Especially relevant , the screw can be removed to facilitate cleaning when necessary. The binding-post screws and nuts on this pen act as an effective heatsink, slowing the transfer of heat from the tip into the pen body. The BPH is one of the coolest operating pens made today.